Sunday, November 1, 2009

An homage to the solitary life...

As many of you (and by you, I mean the three people who may read this) may know, I'm in the process of moving...

I hate moving. I hate packing. I hate cleaning... I hate all the things associated with taking all of my worldly possessions and moving them from point A to point B. During this whole process, there's been a lot of excitement and anxiety. Excitement because I'm moving from a tiny, nasty-ass apartment into a really cool effing house. It's old, but it has so much character - bad and good. But I like it. I feels right for me at this point in my life. It's been tumultuous though. Moving is expensive, and I'm not necessarily made of money. Plus, I'm getting a new roommate. He's awesome. I hand-picked him, kinda. But I've lived on my own for going on three years now, and I'm a little nervous about sharing a space with someone.

I know it'll be alright, but I'd by lying if I said I wasn't a little sad about this transition. I feel like I'm a little old to be taking a step backward. I should be able to support myself at this age, but I just can't, and it's time for me to grow up and do the financially responsible thing for once in my life. So... I've decided to embrace this change with open arms. I'll be saving a significant amount of money. Maybe I will be able to relax a little, focus on school (I mean, really focus on school), and enjoy the company of a pretty cool guy on a regular basis - it'll be nice to be able to have a conversation within the confines of my living room. I don't have a lot of company. All I have is Abbie, and she doesn't talk back.

With that being said, though, I have to admit there are certain aspects of living a solitary life I'm going to miss. I make it sound like I'm incredibly anti-social, and I'm not, but I live alone. I spend a great deal of time with myself and no one else. And call me crazy, but I'll kinda miss that... The little things anyway. For example, I'm going to have to cut wayyyy down on my naked time. That's the best part about living by yourself, the freedom to walk around in your birthday suit.

And no more silly rituals, like wearing slutty outfits and high heels while I clean the house. I hate cleaning house... I feel better if I dress up for the occasion. LoL. Although, usually, I get done with the kitchen and the dining area, start on the living room, kick off the heels and put on some slippers, because by then, my feet are KILLING me!

I really like showering with my bathroom door open, too. I hate when my mirror gets all steamy. How am I supposed to see myself while I put on toner and moisturizer and all that jazz? With steam! all over the window?? Ugh, I hate it...

I'm really going to miss nights like this, where I sit in my living room listening to my favorite songs by candle light, chain smoking and drinking wine.

I've always found a certain amount of comfort in an empty room. It's my downtime. I wait tables, I talk to people for a living. I like entering my house and having it be a nice, quiet haven full of the wondrous sounds of silence.

I'm sure I'll adjust and be just fine. I'm lucky, my roommate enjoys a certain amount of downtime too. I know there are many fun, fine nights of sitting in a recliner with Abbie - Nathan and his cat, Venice, sitting in the recliner on the other side of the room - with SportsCenter in the background. I'll miss the "good-life," but I think that'll be a good life too.

Besides, it's not like I'm never going to get the chance to live by myself again. I have no plans to get hitched or shack up with someone (for good, anyway) anytime soon...